Our LOCAL COMMUNITY is our primary focus.
But we also support at District and at International levels. If you would like to partner with us in some way please get in touch.

At Local Level
We support and donate to local not-for-profits, education and youth programmes, health services and equipment, food vouchers, AEDs, community events. We also roll up our sleeves and help out with community events organised by others.

At District Level
We support clean water projects, disaster relief, hospital treatments and surgeries. Our club members take the time to visit and meet with Rotary clubs in our district, even when just popping by on holidays.

At International Level
We support the seven focus areas for Rotary International, namely; disease prevention and treatment, water sanitation and hygiene, maternal and child health, basic literacy and numeracy, community economic development, environment, peacebuilding.
We meet every Monday from 7pm to 9pm
These regular fellowship meetings keep us up to date with our latest Rotary initiatives and connected with our members. Meetings include a meal together, and are followed by a guest speaker and many many laughs together.
We welcome guests to join us. You never know, after a couple of meetings you may wish to join us as a member!
Find us at Club Waiheke, 2 Marama Ave, Surfdale